Launching this year


Machinery and Equipment Manufacturer Limited Company

Request Information

Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to view more company accounts, and make an offer.

How it works

  • Create an account or login
  • Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Review more information about the business
  • Make an offer


£3,651,000 - £4,916,000
Machinery and Equipment Manufacturer
Company type
Limited Company
Incorporation date
19 Sep 2024
Number of employees
12 employees

Key Highlights

  • Established customer base
  • Eco-friendly
  • Strong supplier relationships
  • Innovative service
  • Advanced booking system
  • Recent upgrades


AquaFlow Dynamics Ltd is a well-established water pump manufacturing company based in Nottinghamshire, UK. Founded in 2008, the company has grown steadily over the past 15 years, achieving a current annual turnover of £2.5 million with a dedicated team of 12 employees. This document outlines the company's history, market position, competitive landscape, and financial performance to assist potential investors in evaluating this unique opportunity.

Company accounts

Company accounts, tax, and VAT returns will be available to view after the Non-Disclosure Agreement has been signed.

Last updated 2 weeks ago